Återvinningsmannen ;)
Hej på dig!
Just nu har jag SO och vi ska typ prata om hur vi sköter oss för om vi sköter oss bra då får vi vara med och kolla på en tingsrätt och om inte ja då blir det ingen tingsrätt så jag ska försöka hålla snattran men aja kolla på bilderna under, ni kan läsa om "återvinningsmannen" under :)
Waste Man was made over a six-week period at the end of summer 2006 out of about 30 tonnes of waste materials that had been gathered by the Thanet waste disposal services and by local people, and deposited in Dreamland, the area of Margate next to the sea and close to the station that had traditionally been the site of a vast funfair. The piece burnt in 32 minutes, sending showers of sparks over the crowd of spectators. By Antony Gormley. This work was a collective body made from the raw materials of people's home lives �C beds, tables, dining chairs, toilet seats, desks, pianos and rubbish (all the limiting baggage of the householder), transformed into energy. A amazing project! | |
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